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protective suit name|Industrial protective clothing is widely used

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protective suit name|Industrial protective clothing is widely used



Industrial protective clothing has a wide range of applications, and the market demand is constantly released

Industrial protective clothing refers to the work clothes that can defend against physical, chemical, biological and other external factors and protect the human body. In addition to meeting the wear requirements of high wear resistance and high strength, industrial protective clothing also needs to have a certain protective effect. There are many kinds of industrial protective clothing, including radiation proof clothing, flame retardant clothing, oil proof clothing, cold proof clothing, heat insulation clothing and antibacterial clothing. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's industry and the improvement of workers' awareness of protection and safety, the market demand for industrial protective clothing is gradually released.

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Affected by factors such as protection awareness and industrial level, the industrial protective clothing market worldwide is mainly concentrated in North America and Europe. In recent years, thanks to the eastward transfer of global industries, the market demand for industrial protective clothing in the Asia Pacific region and Middle East countries has increased rapidly. With the rise of emerging economies, the Asia Pacific region is expected to become one of the important driving forces to promote the growth of the global industrial protective clothing market

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According to the information released by xinsijie Industrial Research Center《

Research Report on market monitoring and future development prospect of China's industrial protective clothing industry from 2022 to 2026

》It shows that in recent years, the global industrial protective clothing market has developed rapidly, and the production capacity of industrial protective clothing has increased from 2.78 billion pieces in 2017 to 3.12 billion pieces in 2021. In 2021, the global industrial protective clothing market size is close to US $8 billion, and it is expected to reach a market size of more than US $11.5 billion in 2027.

Industrial protective clothing has the characteristics of good air permeability, anti permeability and high strength. It has a wide range of downstream applications, involving electronics, petroleum, machinery, food, textile, medical and other fields. The process of industrial protective clothing is simple, there are many relevant suppliers and the market concentration is low. In the international market, the suppliers of industrial protective clothing mainly include DuPont, Honeywell, Japan heavy pine, delge, respirex, Kimberly Clark, etc. foreign enterprises occupy the main share of the global industrial protective clothing market with the advantages of technology, brand and scale.

China is a major producer of industrial protective clothing in the world. Relevant production enterprises include Tianlong new materials Co., Ltd., shenghuadun protection technology, Hangzhou Weikang radiation protection, Bangwei Protection Technology Co., Ltd. However, on the whole, China's industrial protective clothing industry is large but not strong. Domestic enterprises are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, and their products are mostly concentrated in medium and low-end fields. Most enterprises have insufficient advantages in international market competition. In the future market development, China's industrial protective clothing industry still needs to increase investment in technical level, talent training and product innovation.

New thinking circle

Industry analysis

People said that industrial protective clothing has a wide variety and wide application fields. With the improvement of industrial protection awareness and the rapid development of industry, the market demand for industrial protective clothing will continue to release, and the industry has broad prospects for development in the future. China is a large producer of industrial protective clothing, but it is not a strong producer. Domestic industrial protective clothing is still concentrated in the middle and low-end fields. There is a large room for the improvement of China's industrial protective clothing market in the future.



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